Using the Follow-On Response to Treat the Neck and the Spine

The follow-on response is one of the orthobionomy phase 5 reflexes. In the video below I describe how I use this reflex to treat the spine and the neck. With orthobionomy we have a wide range of techniques which enable us to treat the functional physical parts of the body, for example the joints, the … More Using the Follow-On Response to Treat the Neck and the Spine

Horse with asthma helped with orthobionomy

This gorgeous cob had been diagnosed by the vet as having asthma. He was standing in his stable when I visited, totally focused on his breathing; his nostrils flaring, forcibly pushing his breath outwards, a typical symptom of asthma. Orthobionomy is a very gentle holistic method of bodywork, similar to the original osteopathic techniques taught … More Horse with asthma helped with orthobionomy

Lameness in a Horse is Often Caused by a Structural Misalignment of the Body

Structure governs function! That’s what the old osteopaths used to say. If the body of a horse is structurally misaligned, the pelvis misaligned, the sacroiliac joints blocked, the thorax rotated, the spine or the neck twisted; then the legs, which are by far the weakest part of the horse’s anatomy, will often be the first … More Lameness in a Horse is Often Caused by a Structural Misalignment of the Body